Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mapping Results onto SUMA (Part 2)

In a previous post I outlined how to overlay results generated by SPM or FSL onto a SUMA surface and published a tutorial video on my Techsmith account. However, as I am consolidating all of my tutorials onto Youtube, this video has been uploaded to Youtube instead.

There are few differences between this tutorial and the previous one; however, it is worth reemphasizing that, as the results have been interpolated onto another surface, one should not perform statistical analyses on these surface maps - use them for visualization purposes only. The correct approach for surface-based analyses is to perform all of your preprocessing and statistics on the surface itself, a procedure which will later be discussed in greater detail.

A couple of other notes:

1) Use the '.' and ',' keys to toggle between views such as pial, white matter, and inflated surfaces. These buttons were not discussed in the video.

2) I recommend using SPM to generate cluster-corrected images before overlaying these onto SUMA. That way, you won't have to mess with the threshold slider in order to guess which t-value cutoff to use.

More AFNI to come in the near future!


  1. I think you just saved my life! Thank you. This is so helpful!

  2. Hi Andrew - Any idea where you can download different surfaces to map results onto? I used the link in your youtube post but it seems to only give slightly inflated versions of the brain (not the full inflation you had in your video example) - or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Thanks for all of this, saved my life as well! (

    1. Hey there,

      That link may be a little old, and they may be using something new. However, I think it should still work. Have you tried using the '.' and ',' keys to toggle between different views? That might help.


  3. Hi Andrew,

    Do you know if there is anyway I can export the overlay out in the form of "value-at-each-surface-vertex"? Ideally in the same format as the surface file used in Freesurfer?

    1. Hey there,

      I haven't done that, but you should look into 3dVol2Surf and Freesurfer's mri_convert. Those are my best guesses.


    2. 3dVol2Surf works great, thanks for the tip

  4. Thank you! What did you press to inflate the brain?
